17-18 October 2019, The Hague The Netherlands
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Head of Jury and your host

It's our pleasure to be the Jury for the 2019 TYPO3 Awards! We received almost 200 projects to review, which once again shows the vibrant community of TYPO3. The TYPO3 Awards put brilliant TYPO3 projects center stage in front of industry leaders. A jury of digital specialists selects the finalists, then crowns the winner in a VIP gala dinner at T3CON19. It will be an evening of celebration for open source, for our peers, and for the difference we can make in the world.

We are honoured to be your Jury. Hope to see you all during the TYPO3 Awards & Gala Dinner, October 17th | 19:00 - 23:15.


Jeffrey A. 'jam' McGuire - Head of Jury and your host

Meet the 2019 Jury!

Jason Barnard

CEO at Kalicube (Overall / SEO)

Karl Gilis

The G in AGConsult (UI/UX)

Cecilia Fernandez de Cordoba

Senior Director DevOps at FICO and Former Global Head of Engineering Methods & Standards, Deutsche Bank (overall)

Robert Douglass

Chief DevRel Officer at Platform.sh (security)

Please find the nominees for all (16!) categories below!


Project Entrant URL
jakob.com gutknecht-informatik.com GmbH https://www.jakob.com
NFON - international cloud- based telephone provider schoene neue kinder GmbH https://www.nfon.com
TQ-Group DMADE Marketing & straight. GmbH https://www.tq-group.com/
Vitrulan GMK GmbH & Co. KG https://www.vitrulan.com/
Vileroy & Bosch Gustavsberg Resultify i Sverige AB https://www.gustavsberg.com


Project Entrant URL
Afrikarma GmbH: Relaunch dkd Internet Service GmbH https://www.afrikarma.de/
HappyFoto XORTEX eBusiness GmbH https://www.happyfoto.at
ÖGB Kartenstelle LimeSoda Interactive Marketing GmbH https://kartenstelle.oegb.at/
MERA - The Petfood Family zdreicom AG https://www.mera-petfood.com/
Buchbinder Rent-a-Car move elevator GmbH https://www.buchbinder.de

Best Performance

Project Entrant URL
Stiftung Sankt Johannes visionbites https://www.sanktjohannes.com/
Global TYPO3 PWA portal with outstanding performance Macopedia Sp. z o.o. https://www.macmillanenglish.com/
Auto Günther Cyberhouse GmbH https://www.auto-guenther.at/
EasySoft b13 GmbH https://www.easysoft.de/
LimeSoda LimeSoda Interactive Marketing GmbH https://www.limesoda.com/


Project Entrant URL
Hebbel am Ufer The Brettinghams https://www.hebbel-am-ufer.de/
PAROOKAVILLE zdrei.com https://www.parookaville.com/de/
99documents #clicksgefühle https://oe99.staatsarchiv.at/
ÖGB Kartenstelle LimeSoda https://kartenstelle.oegb.at/
Klassik Stiftung Weimar 3pc https://www.klassik-stiftung.de/


Project Entrant URL
Clausthal University of Technology (Technische Universität Clausthal) Clausthal University of Technology (Technische Universität Clausthal) https://www.tu-clausthal.de
TU Dortmund mehrwert intermediale kommunikation GmbH https://www.tu-dortmund.de
Technical University of Eindhoven MaxServ https://www.tue.nl/en
Libro Online Magazin LimeSoda Interactive Marketing GmbH https://magazin.libro.at/
Community Portal for Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung FGTCLB https://www.fes-social.de


Project Entrant URL
Zorgkantoor Zorg en Zekerheid Redkiwi https://www.zorgkantoor-zorgenzekerheid.nl/
DRK Kliniken Berlin AgenturWebfox GmbH https://www.drk-kliniken-berlin.de/
Blinden- und Sehbehindertenbund in Hessen e. V. (BSBH): Relaunch dkd Internet Service GmbH https://www.bsbh.org/
BSVWNB | Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband Wien, Niederösterreich und Burgenland LimeSoda Interactive Marketing GmbH https://www.blindenverband-wnb.at/
DRK-Kliniken Nordhessen Gemeinnützige GmbH blindwerk - neue medien GmbH https://drk-nh.de/


Project Entrant URL
Landtag Rheinland-Pfalz dkd Internet Service GmbH https://www.landtag.rlp.de
Website-Launch einblicke.de familie redlich digital GmbH https://einblicke.de/
State parliament of Lower Austria Earlybird https://noe-landtag.gv.at
Menschen in Thüringen <i-D> internet + Design GmbH & Co. KG https://menschen-in-thueringen.de
Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians Hesse queo Berlin GmbH https://www.kvhessen.de/


Project Entrant URL
MERA - The Petfood Family zdreicom AG https://www.mera-petfood.com
CTH MaxServ https://www.cth.biz
Vitrulan GMK GmbH & Co. KG https://www.vitrulan.com/
Rousselot MaxServ https://www.rousselot.com
ALDI Suisse Vinoteca varioous OG https://vinoteca.aldi-suisse.ch/

Small-Medium Businesses

Project Entrant URL
Auto Günther Cyberhouse GmbH https://www.auto-guenther.at/
MERA - The Petfood Family zdreicom AG https://www.mera-petfood.com
meteocontrol visionbites https://www.meteocontrol.com/
SONOR Drums. The drummers drum. Now with digital native update. Machbar GmbH https://www.sonor.com/instruments/drums/
FVA GmbH dkd Internet Service GmbH https://www.fva-service.de/

Small website

Project Entrant URL
Lausanne University Hospital Idéative https://www.lausanneuniversityhospital.com/
Lunik2Group Cyberhouse GmbH https://www.lunik2.group
Kuster Gärten AG sesamnet GmbH https://www.kuster-gaerten.ch
Nakina Adventure NITSAN Technologies https://nakinaadventures.com
Forum Natürliches Mineralwasser supseven https://www.forum-mineralwasser.at


Project Entrant URL
Afrikarma GmbH: Relaunch dkd Internet Service GmbH https://www.afrikarma.de/
Es kann so einfach sein Scholz & Friends + THE BRETTINGHAMS https://www.es-kann-so-einfach-sein.de/
Cabinn Hotels Resultify AB https://www.cabinn.dk
visitDORTMUND +Pluswerk AG https://visit.dortmund.de
Tourism hub Brandenburg - Business platform and network queo Berlin GmbH https://www.tourismusnetzwerk-brandenburg.de/


Project Entrant URL
ALBA BERLIN brandung GmbH & Co. KG https://www.albaberlin.de/
Klampenborg Racecourse TypoConsult A/S https://galopbane.dk/
Rheinischer Schützenbund e.V. 1872 WFP3 GMBH + CO. KG https://www.rsb2020.de/
250K new users on a consumer-facing platform of a B2B brand Macopedia Sp. z o.o. https://www.kartamultisport.pl/
JOHN REED Fitness Music Club brandung GmbH & Co. KG https://johnreed.fitness/

Non-governmental organization

Project Entrant URL
BSVWNB | Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband Wien, Niederösterreich und Burgenland LimeSoda Interactive Marketing GmbH https://www.blindenverband-wnb.at/
Wood me up +Pluswerk AG https://www.woodmeup.de
Blinden- und Sehbehindertenbund in Hessen e. V. (BSBH): Relaunch dkd Internet Service GmbH https://www.bsbh.org/
Stiftung Sankt Johannes visionbites https://www.sanktjohannes.com
Mein Rotes Kreuz varioous OG https://www.mein-roteskreuz.at/

Finance / Logistic

Project Entrant URL
DBL DBL - Deutsche Berufskleider-Leasing GmbH https://www.dbl.de
VKB Immobilien varioous OG https://www.vkbimmobilien.at/
Rhein-Neckar-Verkehr service website UEBERBIT GmbH https://www.rnv-online.de
Paysafecash paysafecard.com Wertkarten GmbH https://www.paysafecash.com
Degussa Bank AG Browserwerk https://lp.degussa-bank.de/immobilienfinanzierung/


Project Entrant URL
Bauhaus100 der Bauhaus Universität Weimar TRITUM https://bauhaus100.uni-weimar.de/
MHK Kueche.de: Relaunch dkd Internet Service https://www.kueche.de/
Libro Online Magazin LimeSoda https://magazin.libro.at/
Heros Titan Pro SIWA https://www.rosenbauer.com/en/int/microsites/heros-titan-pro
POLYTEC IAA Campaign SIWA https://iaa.polytec-group.com/

Best website of the year

Project Entrant URL
MERA - The Petfood Family zdreicom AG https://www.mera-petfood.com/
LimeSoda LimeSoda Interactive Marketing GmbH https://www.limesoda.com/
Delacon - performing nature Cyberhouse GmbH https://www.delacon.com/
State parliament of Lower Austria Earlybird https://noe-landtag.gv.at/
Technical University of Eindhoven MaxServ https://www.tue.nl/en

Buy your ticket(s) here!

Join us during the Awards & Dinner evening!
