Head of Jury and your hosts
It was our pleasure to be your hosts for the 2019 TYPO3 Awards! We received almost 200 projects to review, which once again shows the vibrant community of TYPO3. The TYPO3 Awards put brilliant TYPO3 projects center stage in front of industry leaders. A jury of digital specialists selects the finalists, then crowns the winner in a VIP gala dinner at T3CON19. It was an evening of celebration for open source, for our peers, and for the difference we can make in the world.
We are honoured to be your hosts this year. Hope to see you all again.
Jeffrey A. 'jam' McGuire - Head of Jury and your host
Robert Douglas - Your host
Meet the 2019 Jury!

Jason Barnard
CEO at Kalicube (Overall / SEO)

Karl Gilis
The G in AGConsult (UI/UX)

Cecilia Fernandez de Cordoba
Senior Director DevOps at FICO and Former Global Head of Engineering Methods & Standards, Deutsche Bank (overall)

Robert Douglass
Chief DevRel Officer at Platform.sh (security)
Please find the winners for all (17!) categories below!

Project | Entrant | URL |
Vileroy & Bosch Gustavsberg | Resultify i Sverige AB | https://www.gustavsberg.com |

Project | Entrant | URL |
MERA - The Petfood Family | zdreicom AG | https://www.mera-petfood.com/ |

Best Performance
Project | Entrant | URL |
Auto Günther | Cyberhouse GmbH | https://www.auto-guenther.at/ |

Project | Entrant | URL |
ÖGB Kartenstelle | LimeSoda | https://kartenstelle.oegb.at/ |

Project | Entrant | URL |
Libro Online Magazin | LimeSoda Interactive Marketing GmbH | https://magazin.libro.at/ |

Project | Entrant | URL |
Blinden- und Sehbehindertenbund in Hessen e. V. (BSBH): Relaunch | dkd Internet Service GmbH | https://www.bsbh.org/ |

Project | Entrant | URL |
State parliament of Lower Austria | Earlybird | https://noe-landtag.gv.at |

Project | Entrant | URL |
CTH | MaxServ | https://www.cth.biz |

Small-Medium Businesses
Project | Entrant | URL |
Auto Günther | Cyberhouse GmbH | https://www.auto-guenther.at/ |

Small website
Project | Entrant | URL |
Lausanne University Hospital | Idéative | https://www.lausanneuniversityhospital.com/ |

Project | Entrant | URL |
Es kann so einfach sein | Scholz & Friends + THE BRETTINGHAMS | https://www.es-kann-so-einfach-sein.de/ |

Project | Entrant | URL |
JOHN REED Fitness Music Club | brandung GmbH & Co. KG | https://johnreed.fitness/ |

Non-governmental organization
Project | Entrant | URL |
Stiftung Sankt Johannes | visionbites | https://www.sanktjohannes.com |

Finance / Logistic
Project | Entrant | URL |
Degussa Bank AG | Browserwerk | https://lp.degussa-bank.de/immobilienfinanzierung/ |

Project | Entrant | URL |
Bauhaus100 der Bauhaus Universität Weimar | TRITUM | https://bauhaus100.uni-weimar.de/ |

Best website of the year
Project | Entrant | URL |
MERA - The Petfood Family | zdreicom AG | https://www.mera-petfood.com/ |

Personality of the year
As well as the website awards, TYPO3 Association President Olivier Dobberkau announced the Personality of the Year Award. This year’s winner was Romanian TYPO3 promoter and community supporter Daniel Homorodean for his engagement in the TYPO3 Eastern Europe Conference and the TYPO3 Community Expansion Committee.