17-18 October 2019, The Hague The Netherlands
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Nitin Chauhan

NITSAN Technologies

Nitin Chauhan

NITSAN Technologies

Nitin Chauhan is the CEO & Co-Founder of NITSAN Technologies, INDIA, with 12+ years of excellence in web development technologies. He is been playing the key roles of a thinker, implementer, and strategist in the organization. With vast experience in the fields of Business Operations, Strategy Planning and Management, Account & Finance, he has nurtured a healthy organizational climate for clients and crew in the company. He has been working with TYPO3 since 9 years. Besides TYPO3 and off the digital world Nitin loves his wife and his son. He enjoys movies, reading, traveling and exploring new cultures.



17.10.2019 12:30 - 13:15 Engine Room

* without prejudice, speakers and sessions are subject to change
